Pension Board & System_September 1975 to March 1976PENSION BOARD & SYSTEM 99
Res. #75-14805 adopted, declaring Aldin R. Hanna 9/3/75
to be elected as GYoup 3 Trustee of the General
Employees' Retirement System, term to expire
8/31/78. (election held 8/19/75).
Res. #75-14818 adopted, declaring Ronald R.
Rumbaugh to be elected as Group 2 Trustee of
General Employees Retirement System, to fill
unexpired term of Florence Huss, expiring
Aug. 31, 1976. (Election held 9/5/75).
Councilman Dr. Wikler requested that, in the 9/23/75
future, employee pensions be calculated on
base salary rather than salary in which over-
time pay is included. Councilman Dr. Haber
reiterated request made during last year's
(cont'd) Date
budget hearings that steps be taken to reduce
pension benefits for new employees. City Atty.
advised that existing employees are vested and
rights cannot be taken away, but that change in
benefits for all future employees is legal and
permissible. Chairman of Budget Advisory Com-
mittee indicated this matter is presently under
consideration. 9/23/75
Budget Advisory Committee advises it will not 9/25/75 B.H.
make recommendations re. Pension Systems this
year; further study required. Councilmen Drs.
Haber and Wikler urge study of establishing
new pension system for new employees (with
lesser benefits)
Brd. of Trustees, Employees Retirement System, 1/7/76
Councilman Hal Spaet appointed to replace Coun-
cilman Leonard 0. Weinstein who submitted resig-
Budget Advisory Committee report presented by 3/3/76
Mr. Harold Segal, and Committee's recommenda-
tion re: pension funding for future City Em-
ployees. Suggestions by Council included a
request to Admin. to set up a meeting with all
affected interests so that the matter can be
discussed in depth; and a conclusion can be
reached with rapidity (transcript of discussion
will be furnished to City Mgr. etc.).