Pension Board & System_May to June 1976PENSION BOARD & SYSTEM
Discussion on 2 ords. proposed by Councilman
Dr. Wikler re: amendments to Pension Systems
for General Employees and for Police and Firemen.
Ord. amending General Employee's Retirement
System Ord. #1901, by adding Art. 5A, provisions
to be applicable to employees commencing employ-
ment on or after July 1, 1976, passed on 1st
reading. Public Hearing and 2nd reading sched-
uled for 6/2/76 at 2:00 p.m. (NOTE: Budget
Advisory Committee member, Mr. Paul Seiderman
appeared and advised that after due deliberation,
Committee's recommendations had been amended so
as to exclude Lifeguard members from Art. 5A.(d),
thereby retaining existing provisions of pension
plan pertaining to retirement age.
(continued) Date
Ord. amending Art. XVIII of Code providing for
a Pension System for members of I5p1ice and Fire
Dept's and providing for adoption thereof follow-
ing its approval at a referendum election to be
called and held, provisions to be applicable to
all members of Police and Fire Dept's commencing
employment on or after July 1, 1976, passed on
1st reading. Public hearing and 2nd reading
scheduled for June 2, 1976 at 2:00 p.m. Res.
#76-15037 adopted, approving submission to elec-
torate of foregoing amendment to Police & Fire-
men's Pension Act, at an election to be held in
September, 1976. 5/5/76
Changing date of 2nd reading of ord. amending
Pension Systems, from June 2 to June 16, 1976.
Requested change in date approved. City Clerk
directed to readvertise date change for 2nd
reading of ordinances.
Concern expressed by members of Council as to 6/3/76
effect on pensions of persons who plan to re-
tire within 2 yrs, with respect to resolution 0e3434.
adopted by Council on June 2/76, requiring 1
day off per month without pay during balance
of this fiscal yr. City Atty. expressed opinion
that such employees were protected under reso-
lution adopted; however, they would give it a
thorough going-over to see just exactly how the ,y.�'1