Pension Board & System_June to July 1976PENSION BOARD & SYSTEM 108
(continued) Date
intent of Council is to be effectuated. Mayor
Rosen emphasized that it was the intent to pro-
tect any such individuals and not affect their
pensions in any way, dollar -wise or time -wise. 6/3/76
Ord. amending Ord. #1901, which provides for 6/16/76
Pension System for General Employees, (1st
reading May 5, 1976). Correspondence from
Mr. Aldin Hanna, president of Employees Union
Local 1554 and LTC #297-76: Addendum to amend-
ments for General Employees' Retirement System.
Hearing continued to 7/1/16 at 2:00 p.m. City
Mgr. advised that Councilman Dr. Wikler's pro-
posed ordinances were passed on first reading
with intent of receiving ordinances in final
form from the Actuary and he recommended that
(continued) Date
the ordinances passed on 1st reading be amended
to comply with Actuary's recommended changes,
subject to City Atty's approval. City Atty.
advised that Actuary's changes are so extensive
in nature, the ordinances he has submitted in
final form might well be considered new ones
rather than amendments to those which had been
passed on first reading, and he recommended action
be deferred at this time. Councilman Dr. Wikler
was assured that there would be sufficient time
to place matter on Sept. 28 or Nov. 2 ballot.
Matter deferred to July 7, 1976 to give Budget
Advisory Committee, Dr. Nicholas and Actuary an
opportunity to meet with Mr. Cypen and Trustees
of General Employees' Retirement System and 6/16/76
the P & F Board, and all employee groups' repre-
sentatives, as well as representatives of the
175 and 185 Relief Funds.
Res. #76-15080 adopted, authorizing execution 7/7/76
of agreements with Boston Co. of the Southeast
and Thorndike, Doran, Paine & Lewis, Inc., for
services as investment counsel for General
Employees Retirement System, as recommended by
Pension Board, Memo #5782.
Hearing re: ordinances to amend Ord. #1901, 7/7/76
providing for pensions for General Employees,
continued to July 21, 1976 at 2:00 P.M. Vice
Chairman of Budget Advisory Committee requested