Pension Board & System_July to September 1976PENSION BOARD & SYSTEM 111 (continued) Date action on ordinances be deferred until receipt of required actuarial study. Clerk directed to advise County Elections Dept. of the intent to submit the Police & Fire amendment to referendum on 9/28/76, in order to reserve ballot space, pending receipt of actuarial study as to cost of proposed reduced benefits for newly employed policemen and firemen. 7/7/76 Proposal to hire actuary Nathaniel Gaines to 7/7/76 undertake an analysis of both pension systems relative to savings to be realized for above reductions, at a cost of $4,500, approved. Administration to request Actuary to give first priority to study of Police & Firemen's system PENSION BOARD & SYSTEM 112 (continued) Date and then to General Employee's Retirement System. 7/7/76 Memo #5790, amending General Employees Pension 7/7/76 Ord. #1901, to comply with requirements of Federal Internal Revenue Service by adding a provision that all funds of system shall be held in trust, and shall be nonforfeitable. Ord. passed on 1st reading. Public hearing and second reading scheduled for Aug. 4, 1976, at 2:00 p.m. V.M. Haber requested that Actuary's recommendation be obtained in writing; further- more, that in future, City's outside consultants be required to submit their recommendations in writing on any matter. PENSION BOARD & SYSTEM 113 Date Amendments to Ord. #1901, providing for pensions 7/21/76 for General Employees, (hearing continued from 7/7/76). Hearing continued to Sept. 1, 1976, at 2:00 p.m., pending receipt of Actuary's report. Memo #5790, Ord. #76-2068 adopted, hearing held 8/4/76 and concluded to amend General Employees Pension Ord. #1901 to comply with requirements of Federal Internal Revenue Service by adding a provision that all funds of system shall be held in trust and shall be nonforfeitable (1st reading 7/7/76). Canvassing returns of primary election held on 9/1/76 Aug. 17, 1976, to elect a trustee of the General