Pension Board & System_September 1968 to September 1977PENSION BOARD & SYSTEM 116 (continued) Date previously. Discussion re. computation of pen- sions utilizing overtime. City Atty. advises it is a contractural right for existing employees. L. Holtz discusses increased effects of pensions on Budget. (P.22-24) 9/27/766 Hearing held and concluded re: amending Ord. 10/6/76 #1901, providing for reduced pension benefits for General Employees commencing employment on or after July 1, 1976, (1st reading 9/1/76). City Atty. advised that 1) Par. (b) of Sec. 5.02 had inadvertently been omitted from ord. passed on first reading, 2) ordinances may not contain retroactive provisions. Ord. amended prior to second reading so as to include Par.(b) PENSION BOARD & SYSTEM 117 (continued) Date of Sec. 5.02, and to provide for Nov. 1, 1976, effective date. Ord. #76-2075 adopted, as amended. 10/6/76 Memo #6202, Board and Committee appointments, 2/16/77 (deferred from 2/2/77). Appointment of one Council Pension Board Member (replacement for Councilman Sahl) deferred to 3/2/77. Memo #6215, Councilman Dr. Haber appointed as 3/2/77 Council member to Pension Brd. (deferred from 2/16/77). (Replacement for Councilman Sahl.) Memo #6463, appropriation for Special 1976 8/17/77 Actuarial Studies. Appropriation from PENSION BOARD & SYSTEM 118 (continued) Date Contingency Fund in the amount of $2,865 for General Employees' and Elected Officials' Pension System. 8/17/77 Memo #6471, audit contract for Retirement System for General Employees and Elected Officials. Not reached. Deferred to 9/7/77. Canvassing returns of election held 8/30/77, 9/7/77 to elect regular member from Group I of City Employees to serve as Trustee of M.B. Retire- ment System for General Employees. Res. #77-15426 adopted, declaring John Phillips to be elected as Group I Trustee, for 3 -year term expiring 8/31/80. 8/17/77