Petitions_June 1957 to January 1958pe7`1rl d AJ S PETITIONS 105 Book Page Petition submitted requesting that property on Jefferson Ave. bet. 17th & 18th Sts. be rezoned to multiple - family use. Rezoning of whole area referred to Zoning Board 6-7-57 39 378 Petition presented by property owners between 73rd and 74th Streets on east side cf Harding Ave. and west side of Collins Ave. requesting pavement of alley in rear of their property. Res.#9659 ordering same. (H-2447) 1-2-58 40 190 PETITIONS 106 Book Page Petition submitted requesting reclassification of property on Jefferson Ave. between 17th and 18th Streets from RD Single Family to RE Multiple Family District. No action taken. Mr. Renshaw advises full report to be made on entire area as well as the west end of Lincoln Road 1-2-58 40 197