Fences-Contracts_January 1976 to December 1979FENCES -CONTRACTS (continued) Change Order No. 1, for $90.00 approved in- creasing contract from $7,316.0 oto ,406.00. Memo #5872, chain link fence with redwood slats for screening for La Gorce Island Stash Area, MP -46, awarded, Mario Auricchio Fence Div. Inc., second lowest bidder, quoting $3,148.20. 13 Date 1/21/76 9/15/76 Memo #6774, providing and installing a chain 4/5/78 link fence for security of vehicles and materials at building maintenance facility, bid amount: $5,990.00. Awarded, Murray Fence Co., to be funded from Public Utilities Dept. Bond Fund W.O. 2597.6. FENCES - CONTRACTS 14 Date Memo #6835, providing for chain link fencing 5/3/78 for Bayshore Golf Course maintenance area, bid amount: $21,798.80. Awarded, Fence Masters, Inc., subject to low bidder submitting bond acceptable to the City. Memo #7115, contract for chain link fencing for 10/4/78 development of Bayshore Golf Course maintenance area for relocation of Public Works, PB -76, change order No. 1 (additional work) amount: increase $93.00, extension of time: none, approved. FENCES (CONTRACTS) Memo #7614, chain link fencing for Public Utilities Operations Building, PB -76 - awarded, Quaid Installation, Inc., quoting $27,396.65. Funds for this purpose were authorized by City Commission Feb. 21, 1973, Commission Memo #3901, Bond Fund Account 4-340-2597-539.618. Memo #7930, chain link fencing for Public 12/19/79 Utilities Operation Building, PB -76, Change Order #1, (additional work), amount: increase $3,051.72, extension of time: 11 days, approved. 15 Date 8/1/79