Petitons_February to July 1958PETITIONS
Petition of Parkview
residents & property
asking for ordinance
parking with all new
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owners presented,
to require sufficient
2-5-58 4o 244
Petition filed with Council on Jan.
2, 1958 requesting that single family
property on Jefferson Ave. bet. 17th
& 18th Streets be rezoned for multiple -
family use, referred to Mr. Lipp for
study and recommendation 4-16-58 4o 377
Petition presented requesting that
Lot 23, 1st Ocean Front Sub. be
rezoned from present Estate Use
District to an "RE" Use District.
Request denied. 4-16-58 40 382
Petition presented objecting to
acquisition by condemnation of
Lot 13, Blk 32, Lakeview Sub.
for off-street parking. (47th St. &
Pine Tr. dr.) 7-2-58
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Petition requesting hearing to
increase front yard setbacks on
property on both sides of Lenox Ave. in
1200 Block presented by property owners.
7-2-58 4o 484
Petition of Washington Ave. Assn.
presented, requesting double decking
of parking area at 16th St. from
Washington Ave. to Collins Ave.
Referred to City Mgr. 7-2-58 40 485
Petition of property owners requesting
Sidewalk on 82nd Street presented.(betw.
Crespi Blvd. & Hawthorne Ave.) Res. #9798
ordering SK -238 7-2-58 40 492
40 482
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