Petitons_July 1958 to August 1959PETITIONS 110
Book Page
Petition for Abbott Ave. paving
and curb, gutter and sidewalks
presented. No action because
less than 50% of property owners
had signed. Council advises project
to be included in next bond issue.
Mr. Lipp advises that sidewalks could
be put in at present time if the property
owners requested them.
7-16-58 41 2
Request for construction of sanitary
sewer exteflsi6rV on e.side Collins Ave.
to Lot 4, Blk 7, Altos del Mar No. 2
Improvement SR -549 ordered.
8-6-58 41 4o
Book Page
Petition requesting paving of alley
from Jefferson Ave. & Michigan Ave.
between 9th and 10th Streets.
Highway Improvement H-448 ordered.
8-6-58 41 42
Petition for sidewalks on Abbott Ave.
referred to City Mgr's Office for
study and recommendation.
8-6-58 41 44
Petition requesting alley paving
between Jefferson and Michigan Aves.
from 8th tQ 9th Street presented.
Highway Improvement H-449 ordered. 41 104
Book Page
Petition filed requesting Sidewalk
and Highway Improvements - Stillwater
Dr. & North Stillwater Dr. Mr. Lipp
discusses method of assessment.
H-471 & SK -237 ordered. 3-18-59 41 441
Petition preMnted ob jetting to
proposed Royal Castle establishment
at s.e. cor. Meridian Ave. and Arthur
Godfrey Rd. 8-5-59 42 215
petition requesting sidewalk
construction on west side of Trouville
Esplanade between 71st St. and Biarritz
Dr. 8-5-59 42 215