Petitions_August 1959 to August 1962PETITIONS 113
Book Page
Petition presented requesting
paving on Bay Dr. from Brest Esplanade
to Rue Versailles 8-5-59 42 217
Petition presented requesting paving
of Fairway Drive from North Shore Dr.
to point at or near 150 Easterly of North Shore
Drive 8-19-59 42 248
Petition presented by Lena Mintzes
for addl lighting, trees and benches
in South Shore area referred to City Mgr.
5-3-61 44 72
Book Page
Petition requesting that name of Hawthorne
Ave. south of 77th Street be changed, is
filed. Matter referred to City Mgr. for
recommendation. 6-21-61 44 105
Petition requesting construction
of sidewalks on w. side of Trouville
Espl. from Marseille Dr. to Normandy Dr.
City proposes to provide sidewalk on
e. side of Rue Granville from Marseille
Dr. to 71st. Besides regular advertising,
individual notices to be sent to affected
property owners. Res. ##10602 ordering
SK -258. 8-2-61 44 156
Book Page
Petition requesting construction of
sidewalk east side of Indian Creek Dr.
from intersection of Indian Cr. Dr. and
Collins Ave. to 63rd Street. Res. #10650
adopted ordering SK -259 improvement.
11-15-61 44 284
Petition re. change of name of Hawthorne
Ave. south of 77th Street to "Bayside Lane".
Ordinance to be prepared. 6-6-62 44 540
Mrs. Gabrielle Nash presents form of
petition, calling for 8 changes in the
City Charter. Petition form filed with
records of meeting. 8-15-62 45 65