Petitions_April to September 1963PETITIONS 116
Book Page
Representatives of Police & Firemen
present petition requesting pay raise
and ask for its submission to voters.
City Atty renders opinion. Council
votes to submit petition to voters at
June Election; City to take proper steps
to process petition. 4-3-63 45 386
Book Page
City Mgr. advises petition now received
requesting paving of South Shore Drive
from Ray Street to North Shore Dr. This
was part of bond fund project approved by
freeholders in 1955 but work was never done.
Courtesy hearing to be held on 4/17/63
to determine whether paving can be done
at this time as assessable project.
4-17-63 45 394
Hearing on above conducted. City to proceed
with construction = H-413.
4-17-63 45 409
Book Page
Atty Sam Kanner again requests City
to acquire Island Ave. (Belle Isle)
and to improve same. Petition filed.
City Mgr. to submit recommendations
(Further entries re. this 8-7-63 46 69
subject on cards entitled "Belle Isle")
Herman Dickstein presents petition requesting
Council to amend zoning ordinance in
connection with setback for swimming pool
at 1231 -17th St. 9-4-63 46 121
Mrs. Nash presents petition for
Charter Amendients ("Fair Play Amendments").
9-4-63 46 135