Petitions_June 1964 to September 1976PETITIONS 119
Book Page
Petition filed by property owners
abutting 79th Terr. from Crespi Blvd.
to Hawthorne Ave. requesting curbs and
gutter and resurfacing of 79th Terr.
Res. #11230 adopted ordering Highway
Improvement H-479 6-3-64 47 66
Petition filed with City Mgr. calling
for continuance of city calisthenics
program heretofore conducted by the
Recreation Dept. at Atlantic Ocean at
1st and 3rd Streets. 10-7-64 47 245
Pursuant to petition received by Council (not filed
with Council records), City Manager advises summons
has been issued by Bldg. Dept. re. large trailer
truck in operation at Sanitary Fish Market.
2-15-67 51 403
Meeting Date
Discussion of proposed draft of petition for
initiative referendum re: prohibition of
residential construction in commercial districts
except for hotels; also, that number of living
units per acre be reduced in RM -125 to 60, in
RM -100 to 50, and RM -60 to 30, except as per-
taining to hotels deferred.
Mrs. Mildred Falk stated she had received a 8/4/76
sufficient number of petition signatures for
placement of question concerning bond issues,
on ballot for forthcoming election. She was
advised that she was too late for the Septem-
ber election, and that the Dade County Elec-
tions Supervisor has notified City that there
would be no room on November ballot.
Request by Mrs. Mildred Falk for placement of 9/1/76
an item on ballot for General Election on
11/2/76. She advised of petition filing. City
Atty. outlined procedure required; advised it
would be legally impossible to meet a timetable
for Nov. 2.