Planning Board_January to April 1950PLANNING BOARD 3.
Book Page
Request for widening of
41st St. bridge over
Indian Creek referred to
Board for study 1-4-50 29 111
Civic League's request
that north portion of
old Municipal Golf Course
be developed as recreational
area referred to Board 1-4-50 29 122
qnd Park Supt.
Exec. Director Lipp reports
on 71st and 63rd St. bridge
projects and advises that
Board has approved 1-4-50 29 123
Book Page
Harry Plissner's resignation
from Planning Board is
accepted 1-18-50 29 142
Recommends that Gulf
Oil property be purchased 2-1-50 29 150
Louis Shafkin elec+ed +o
replace Harry Plissner 2-15-50 29 184
Recommends against in-
cluding lowering and
widening of 41st Street
bridge in contemplated
bond election 3-8-50 29 225
Book Page
Max Orovitz resigns
from Board 3-15-50 29 232
Harry Plissner appointed
to Planning Board to
replace Max Orovitz 3-22-50 29 243
Harry Plissner declines
appointment and Samuel
Rivkind is appointed 4-5-50 29 250
Council permits Board to
help in passage of
School Board bond election 4-19-50 29 301