Planning Board_June to November 1950PLANNING BOARD 6 Book Page Resolution presented urging condemnation of Firestone property for park purposes and acquisition of property north of estate for park purposes 6-7-50 20 399 $200.00 appropriated to secure 1951 convention of American Planning & Civic Associa- tion 6-7-50 29 405 Res. #7240 adopted -commending Planning Board and sub -com- mittees 8-2-50 29:: 501 PLANNING BOARD 7 Book Page Requests services of Maurice Connell & Associates be re- tained to aid in completion of Planning Board's work - taken undera.advisement 9/20/50 30 75 Council again defers action on Planning Board request to employ Maurice Connell at a cost not to exceed $10,000 9-22-50 30 84 PLANNING BOARD 8 Book Page Recommendations of Planning Board to employ services of Maurice Connell and Asso- ciates at a salary not to exceed $10,000, accepted by Council 10-4-50 30 92 Recommends method whereby they believe City can provide site for new C of C bldg. 10-26-50 30 134 South Beach Protective League requests representation on Planning Board 11-22-50 30 198