Planning Board_January 1952 to December 1952PLANNING BOARD 15 Bock Page Planning Board appointments: Dr: Leonard Finn; R.M. Davidson; Siegfried Geismar; Sol S. Goldstrom and Thomas H. Bowler 1-2-52 32 281 Jeremiah Weiss reappointed; action deferred on two other appointments 6-18-52 Harry Cohen appointed on Planning Board Action deferred on other Planning Board appointments until August 6th or longer 33 119 7-23-52 33 167 PLANNING BOARD 16 Book Page Board's recommendations re. (1) Aqua Bowl; (2) 4 -lane bridge connecting Venetian Causeway at west end of Lincoln Rd. referred to City Mgr. and City Eng. for study. 8-6-52 33 190 Two vacancies on Planning Board filled -. Louis Shafkin and Morris Gold. 10-1-52 33 297 PLANNING BOARD 17 Book Page Makes suggestions relative to pending bus strike. Councilman Roth suggests employing someone on permanent basis who would have responsibility of supervising all public utilities and ironing out complaints. Taken under advise- ment. 11-19-52 33 379 R. M. Davidson resigns from Planning Board; Joseph H. Gardner appointed to take his place 12-17-52 33 443