Planning Board_July 1954 to March 1955PLANNING BOARD Board recommends that both sides of Collins 15th and 19th Streets 21 Book Page sidewalks on Ave. between be widened 7-7-54 36 59 Board recommends establishment of sub -Police Station north of 41st St. Taken under advisement 7-21-54 36 Harry Singer appointed to Planning Board 8-4-54 36 Board recommends heliport in this Planning Bd. for to a site 98 113 establishment of city. Clerk to ask recommendations as 9-1-54 36 146 PLANNING BOARD Book Recommends that recreation center be built on city -owned tract west of Dickens Ave.- bet. 73rd and 75th Sts. and that funds be included in proposed bond issue 22 Page 12-15-54 36 380 Communication from Planning Board filed, recommending heliport site be made available on portion of city -owned property vicinity of First qt. between Alton Rd. and Biscayne Bay. Petitions signed by South Beach residents objecting to this site were submitted and file 1-19-55 36 416 PLANNING BOARD 23 Book Page Gerald Schwartz resigns from Board; Montague Rosenberg appointed by Mayor Shapiro to take his place. 2-2-55 36 432 LOuis Shafkin reappointed to the Planning Board 2-23-55 36 448 Planning Board appointments approved: Joseph H. Gardner N. Douglas Raff Thomas J. Bowler Lew Braverman Harry Singer Mrs. Frances Joseph and Mr. Morris Gold reappointed to Planning Board 3-2-55 36 454