Planning Board_July 1959 to May 1960PLANNING BOARD 30
Book Page
Louis Shafkin ReapRointment
Howard Kane
Samuel Smietan It
Jack Pearlman
Benjamin Zimmerman
Joseph Arkin Appointment
Ritter Levinson Reappointment
(All terms expire 7/3/60)
7_1_59 42 151
N. Douglas Raff reappointed; Jack Lear
appointed (replacing Lew Braverman) -
terms to expire July 3, 1960.
8-26-59 42 259
Book Page
Action deferred until April 6,
on request of Planning Board for
appointment of member to fill the
vacancy caused by the death of
Jack Lear 3-16-60 43 29
Action deferred on appointment to
fill unexpired term of late Jack Lear.
Councilman Spaet comments that Council
should confer with group from M.B. Chamber
of Commerce about this appointment.
4-6-6o 43 56
Book Page
Action deferred on appointment to
Planning Board to fill unexpired term
of late Jack Lear.
4-20-60 43 70
Hotel organizations to be asked to suggest
3 names each to Council for consideration
for appointment to Board to fill vacancy
created by death of Jack Lear
5-4-60 43 75
Names submitted re. Planning Board
vacancy. Action deferred.
5-18-60 43 94