Fire Department_December 1967 to June 1972FIRE DEPARTMENT 3 BOOK PAGE from 1967 bond funds and $13,700 from Account 3006 Fire Department -Capital Improvements. 12-20-67 52 455 Change Orders 1-3 approved for David M. Abel Construction Co., Fire Station No. 1, increase to contract of $1,873. 1-10-68 52 500 2 -year contract awarded to Donald S. LaVigne for Police s Fire Dept. winter uniforms based on unit prices quoted. 1-17-68 52 521 FIRE DEPARTMENT 4 Meeting date -3 fire rescue vehicles - to Biscayne Fire Equipment Co.- $40,425.- 12-10-69 Fire hose - $9,168. -to Miami Fire Equipment. 1-7-70 Fire hydrants: to Clow Corp. -$3822.20. 7-15-70 Rescue Div: radio equipment to Genl. Elec. Co.: $19,273.50. 4-7-71 Radio equipmt: to RCA, $4,472. 8-4-71 Mechanical Joint Fire yd rants. contract awarded to Waterous Co. $5,535. 2/16/72 FIRE DEPARTMENT AND EQUIPMENT (CONTRACTS) 4 Handl Talkies contract awarded to Gen. Electric for $4,426. Fire Rescue Vehicles contract to M -M Livery Service $9,477. 5 Meeting Date 2/16/72 2/16/72 Office addition, Fire Sta. #2 to R.E. Lewis Construction Co. $22,900. 5/17/72 Two GPM Fire Pumpers to American La France Corp. Total $95,408. 6/7/72 Biscayne Fire Equip. Co. to provide assorted fire equipment for $13,304.86. 6/28/72