Planning Commission_November to December 1974PLANNING COMMISSION 27 Date Planning Brd. denial, following Public Hearing 1174 of application F r site plan approval for Cuban Hebrew Synagogue at 1700 Michigan Ave., because it does not conform with present zoning requirements. Planning Brd. action upheld. Discussion of proposal to rezone all pro- perty in C-4 Zones so as to impose height limitation of 40 ft. Requested by Coun- cilman Dr. Wikler. (*Note: Councilman Dr. Wikler subsequently retracted 40' height limitation) Planning Brd. directed to call public hearings to consider imposition of height limitations on all properties in C-4 zones; further, Brd. 11/20/74 PLANNING COMMISSION 28 (cont'd) Date requested to give priority consideration to Purdy Ave., C-4 Zone. 11/20/74 FOR INFORMATION ONLY: Planning Brd notice 12/11/74 of Public Hearing continued to 12/12/74, on application by MB Hebrew Home for the Aged, Inc., for a zoning change from RM -100 (Multiple -Family Use) to RH (Hospital Dist- rict) for Lots 4 thru 8, Block 7, Ocean Beach Subdivision, located on Washington Ave., and rezoning of Lot 13, Block 7, same subdivision, from C-5 (General Business Use) to RH (Hospital Use) (located at 320 Coltins Ave.). PLANNING COMMISSION �9 Date FOR INFORMATION ONLY: Planning Brd. notice 12/11/74 of Public Hearing postponed from 11/27/74 to 12/12/74, on application of Miryam Knight for Conditional Use as Day Care Nursery for Ten Pre-school children at 1943 - 71st St. (Lots 26 & 27, Block 36, Miami View Section, Isle of Normandy). Appeal of Planning Brd. denial for conditional use for engage in pawnbrokerage Rd. Cpunc i l aff' holdin.ge,lanning Rrd s denial. Councilman Dr. Haber requested the Planning & Zoning Dept. to consider alternate commercial 11-• of application 12/18/74 Mr. Samuel's Inc., to at 756 Arthur Godfrey