Planning Commission_January 1975 to February 1975PLANNING COMMISSION
Request by attorneys for owners of property
at 6225 La Gorce Dr. and 6180 Pine Tree Dr.
(Lots 1 & 18, Block 5, Beach View Addition)
that City Council submit to Planning Brd.
their request that petition for amendment
to Zoning Ord. be considered
Council referred request to Planning Brd.
for consideration and recommendation.
Discussion to consider referring to Planning 1/8/75
Brd. upgrading commercial zoning of Arthur
Godfrey Rd. Requested by Councilman Philip
Planning Brd. requested to consider amendment
to Zoning Ord. so as to prohibit establishment
(cont'd) Date
of pawn brokerage shops on Arthur Godfrey Rd. 1/8/75
Reappointments for 1 yr period ending 1/15/75
1/17/76 made by:
Aaron T. Euster - Spaet
Elliot Richard Alhadeff - Wikler
Lionel Bosem - Council
John Forte - Council
Edward T. Newman - Council
David Drucker - Council
Mr. Bill Finkelstein appeared and requested
that Council replace the present members of
the Brd, claiming they do not actimpa2/5/75
Consideration of Planning Board's recom-
mendation of approval for site plan for
1700 Michigan Ave., for Cuban Hebrew
Congregation, with certain conditions.
Hearing concluded. Site plan approved.
Applicant to comply with all landscaping
as illustrated in rendering. Site plan
delivered to Planning & Zoning Director
for inclusion in City records. 2/19/75
The following were appointed for term
ending Jan. 17,1976:
Isaac Fryd - reappointment, Haber
Ted Kipnis (replacing Sam Sorota) - Meyerson 2/19/75