Planning Commission_June to July 1975PLANNING COMMISSION 39
(coned) Date
to amend sign ord. provisions so as to permit
broker's name to appear on signs with lettering
not to exceed one inch in height, referred to
Planning Brd. with request that they act expe-
ditiously. City Atty. directed to appraise the
Fla. Real Estate Commission of Council's action. 6/4/75
INFORMATION ONLY - Notice of Public Hearing 6/18/75
before Planning Brd. on 7/1/75 on application
of the Deauville Operating Corp. for conditional
use for 4 tennis courts and pro -shop, with lights
and fencing and 1 story parking deck on So. por-
tion of Lot, both being for sole use of Deauville
Hotel as accessories thereto, filed.
INFORMATION ONLY - notice of Public Hearing
before Planning Brd. on 7/1/75, on appli-
cation of Jefferson Nat'l Bank of MB for zoning
change on Lot 1, Blck 2, Orchard Subd. No. 4,
from RS -3 to C-2, to permit parking of vehicles
for bank clients, filed.
INFORMATION ONLY- re: Flashing Signs on desig- 7/16/75
nated arterial streets and roadways- Planning
Brd. motions (1) to appoint a sub -committee to
study further and return recommendation to a
full Brd.; (2) to table said matter until Sep-
tember meeting when sub -committee returns its
recommendation. Report of Planning Brd. filed.
Res. #75-14765 adopted, calling public hearing 7/16/75
on 8/6/75 at 2:30 p.m. to consider recommen-
dation of Planning Brd. that Sec. 11-2 of Zoning
Ord. #1891 be amended so as to permit names of
registered real estate brokers on "For Sale" and
"For Lease" signs in letters of no more than 1"
height, and to permit words "By appointment only"
Res. #75-14766 adopted, calling public hearing 7/16/75
on 8/6/75 at 3:00 p.m., to consider amendment
to Zoning Ord. so as to create the CCC -Conven-
tion Center District per recommendation of Plan-
ning Brd. (creation of new zoning district for
use of air rights for hotels and merchandise
mart in Convention Center Complex area).