Planning Commission_July to August 1975PLANNING COMMISSION 42 Date Notice from Planning Brd. re: failure of motions 7/16/75 to recommend amendment to Zoning Ord. #1891 re- lative to house doctors located in apartments and apartment hotels having 100 or more dwelling units. Deferred to 8/6/75 per request of Councilman Sahl. Recommendation of Planning Brd. to deny appli- 7/16/75 cation of Jefferson Nat. Bank for rezoning of Lot 1, Blk 3, Orchard Subdiv. #4, (4200 Pine Tree Dr.) from RS -3 Single Family use to C-2 General Office District, to permit parking of vehicles for bank clients. Council approved recommendation of Planning Brd. that application of Bank for rezoning, be denied. Owner of PLANNING COMMISSION 43 (cont'd) Date property to north of subject property complained of unsightliness of this lot. 7/16/75 Planning Brd. recommendation to approve request 7/16/75 of Deauville operating Corp. for conditional use on Lots 28, 29 and 30, Blk 3, 2nd Oceanfront Sub. (67th St. & Indian Creek Dr.) to construct tennis courts and a 2 story parking deck on an existing parking lot. Not reached. Deferred to 8/6/75. Res. #75-14779 adopted, referring to Planning 8/6/75 Brd. for consideration the proposal of Council- man Sahl that public hearings be held to consider an amendment to Zoning Ord. #1891, so as to authorize doctors to conduct a General Geriatric PLANNING COMMISSION (cont'd) Practice in Convalescent Homes and Homes for the Aged. 44 Date 8/6/75 Notice from Planning Board re: failure of motions 8/6/75 to recommend amending Zoning Ord. #1891, re; House Doctors located in apartments and apart- ment hotels having 100 or more dwelling units, (deferred from 7/16/75 at request of Councilman Sahl). Withdrawn by Councilman Sahl. Planning Brd. recommendation that Council deny 8/6/75 an application to rezone Lots 1 &. 18, Blk 5, Beach View Addition (6225 La Gorce Dr./6180 Pine Tree Dr.) from RS -4 Single Family, to RM -14 Multiple Family Low Density District.