Planning Commission_August to October 1975PLANNING COMMISSION 45 (cont'd) Date Recommendation of Planning Brd. upheld and application for rezoning denied. 8/6/75 Planning Brd. recommendation to approve request 8/6/75 of Deauville Operating Corp. for conditional use on Lots 28, 29 and 30, Blk 3, 2nd Ocean Front Sub (67th St & Indian Creek Dr) to construct Tennis Courts and a 1 -story Parking Deck on an existing parking lot,(deferred from 7/16/75). Public hearing called for 9/3/75 at 3:00 p.m. City Atty. recommended that before Council changes any recom- mendation by Planning Brd relative to a conditional use, a public hearing be mandatory, and that the Zoning Ord. be amended to this effect. PLANNING COMMISSION 46 Date Planning Brd. recommendation that Council 8/6/75 approve conditional use on Lot 7, Blk 44, Ocean Beach Addition #3 (910 Penn. Ave.) to permit an off-street parking lot for sole use by Bank of M.B., located at 930 Washington Ave. Public hearing called for 9/17/75 at 2:30 p.m. Consideration of Planning Brd. recommendation 9/3/75 to approve request of Deauville Operating Corp. for a Conditional Use on Lots 28, 29, & 30, Blk 3, Second Oceanfront Subd. (67th St. & Indian Creek Dr.) to construct tennis courts and a 1 story parking deck on an existing park- ing lot. Hearing opened and concluded. Planning & Zoning Director advised of possible different PLANNING COMMISSION 47 (cont'd) Date application to be made. He was directed to contact Atty. Avrach and to advise City Mgr. as to future scheduling of this item. 9/3/75 Planning Brd. recommendation that Council ap- 9/17/75 prove Conditional Use on Lot 7, Blk. 44, Ocean Beach Addition #3 (910 Pa. Ave.) to permit an off-street parking lot solely for use by bank of M.B. located at 930 Washington Ave. Public hearing concluded. Conditional Use approved. Applicant to comply with City and Co. land- scaping regulations. Planning Brd. recommendation, after public hearing, that City Council amend Sec. 7.3 of Zoning Ord. to permit customer -bank communication 10/1/75