Planning Commission_October 1975 to January 1976PLANNING COMMISSION 48
(cont'd) Date
terminals and/or remote financial service units
as an accessory use in apartment buildings having
100 or more dwelling units, and located in RM -100
and RM -125 Zoning Districts, provided that no a-
gent or employee of the bank is to be stationed
at the location of such facility. Res. #75-14835
adopted, calling Public Hearing on Nov. 5, 1975
at 11:00 a.m. Admin. to notify directly all
tenants in affected buildings. 10/1/75
Planning Brd. recommendations of approval of 2 10/15/75
revised site plans for conditional use (Tennis
Courts) by Deauville Operating Corp. Public
Hearing called for 11/19175 at 2:30 p.m, for
conditional use (tennis courts) Site A,
(cont'd) Date
6685 Indian Creek Dr. (Lots 33-36, BIK 7,2nd
Oceanfront Subdivision). 10/15/75
Res. #75-14855 adopted, calling Public Hearing 11/5/75
on Dec. 10, 1975, at 2:30 p.m., re: Planning
Brd. recommendation of Council approval of pro-
posed zoning ord. amendment to authorize duly
licensed doctors to conduct, as an accessory
use in convalescent homes, retirement homes,
nursing homes and homes for the aged, a gener-
al geriatric practice, with certain conditions.
Planning Brd. recommendation of Council ap- 11/5/75
proval of conditional use for property on
Lots 32 & 33, Blk 36, Part 1, Isle of Normandy
(cont'd) Date
(1969-71 - 71st St.) to permit private social
club serving alcoholic beverages. Public hear-
ing called for Dec. 10, 1975, at 3:00 p.m.
Consideration of Planning Brd's recommendation 11/19/75
to approve request by Deauville Operating Corp.
for conditional use of Lots 33 thru 36, Blk 7,
2nd Oceanfront Subdivision (67th St. and Indian
Creek Dr.) to construct Tennis Courts. Public
hearing concluded. Conditional Use approved.
Memo #5492 - Harry D. Stone - reappointed - 1/21/76
Councilman Sahl, term expires 1/17/77.