Planning Commission_March 1976 to April 1976PLANNING COMMISSION 54 (continued) Date error had been made in issuing permits for larger gasoline storage tanks, and to avoid any recurrence of a similar situation, he had renewed 1973 directive to Building Di- vision that no permits are to issue without written approval of Zoning Department. 3/17/76 Petition for Zoning Ord. amendment to Sec. 5-6A, which forbids parking of boats or trucks in residential areas. Referred to Planning Brd. for study and recommendation. 4/7/76 Memo #5646 - term expiring 1/17/77. 4/7/76 Elliot R. Alhadeff - reappointed - Dr. Wikler PLANNING COMMISSION 55 Date Recommendation of Planning Brd. that Zoning 4/7/76 Ord. be amended to create a new zoning use District M -R -R (Marine Residential and Re- creational District) to permit marine dockage as a conditional use in following described area: on outlots between West boundary of Indian Creek Dr. and East boundary of Indian Creek Waterway between 26th St. on South and 44th St. on North, and on outlots between West boundary of Collins Ave., and East bound- ary of Indian Creek Waterway from 44th St. on South to outlot 23 on North (approximately the 5500 Blk of Collins Ave.) Not reached, de- ferred to April 28, 1976. PLANNING COMMISSION 56 Date Res #76-15029 adopted, calling a public hearing 4/28/76 on Res, 19 at 3:Du p.m., to consider amending the Zoning Ord, per recommendation of Planning Brd. to create a new Zoning Use District M -R -R (Marine Residential and Recreational) to permit marine dockage as a conditional use in following described area; on outlots between West boundary of Indian Creek Dr. and East boundary of Indian Creek Water- way between 26th St. on South and 44th St. on North, and on outlots between West boundary of Collins Ave., and East boundary of Indian Creek Waterway from 44th St. on South to outlot 23 on North (approx. 5500 Blk of Collins Ave.),(de- ferred from 4/7/76).