Planning Commission_April to October 1976PLANNING COMMISSION 57 Date Memo #5676, terms expire 1/17/77. 4/28/76 Lionel Bosem - reappointed - Council David Drucker - reappointed - Council Edward T. Newman - reappointed - Council Leonard Zilbert - appointed - Council Request by Radio Station 96X for special excep- 7/21/76 tion to sign ord. at 825 Arthur Godfrey Rd. Request for special exception granted for 144 sq. ft. flat sign painting of applicant's logo. Planning & Zoning Director advised he would be recommending to Planning Board that they review present sign regulations in effect for Arthur Godfrey Rd., from Alton Rd. to Pine Tree Drive, with a view to standardizing same. PLANNING COMMISSION 58 Date Amending Sec. 18-45 of City Code (Liquor Ord.) 8/477 by deleting present wor ing "except in restau- rant facilities located in apartment buildings having 400 or more dwelling units" and substi- tuting "and except in restaurant facilities located in apartment buildings having 300 or more units". City Atty. directed to prepare appropriate ord. for Sept. 1, 1976 to accomplish Planning Brd's recommendations. Subject to be scheduled as 2:30 p.m. Time Certain item. A question concerning revision of entire Liquor Zoning ord., so as to track the State law, was referred to City Atty. and Admin. for consider- ation, and preparation by City Atty. of an ap- propriate ordinance, for Council's consideration PLANNING COMMISSION 59 (continued) Date at Sept. 1, 1976 meeting. 8/4/76 Public Hearing called for Nov. 3, 1976, at 10/6/76 3:30 p.m., to consider Planning Board's recom- mendation that Council approve a conditional use for installation of two gasoline pumps at the UTOTEM OF MIAMI, INC., property located at 2050 - 71st St. and that the board accept site plan submitted by owner. Public Hearing called for Nov. 3, 1976, at 4:00 p.m. to consider Planning Board's recommendation that Central Taxi Service, Inc., be allowed to sell gasoline to members of Cen- tral Taxi Service,Inc.,Assn., and that all 10/6/76