Planning Commission_July to November 1977PLANNING COMMISSION First of two required public hearings re: Planning Brd. recommendation for proposed amend- ment to Zoning Ord. #1891 to create (RU) Rede- velopment Use District. Hearing held and con- cluded. 72 Date 7/12/77 Memo #6422 - reappointed - term expires 1/17/78: 7/20/77 Harry D. Stone - Sahl Second of two required public hearings re: 7/27/77 Planning Brd. recommendation for proposed amend- ment to Zoning Ord. #1891 to create (RU) Rede- velopment Use District. Hearing continued to Wednesday, August 3, 1977, at 5:30 p.m. PLANNING COMMISSION 73 Date Hearing held and concluded. Second of two 8/3/77 public hearings on Planning Brd. recommenda- tion re: proposed amendment to Zoning Ord. #1891, to create R -U "Redevelopment Use" Zoning District, (!st hearing 7/12/77). Pro- posed ord. amended prior to first reading. Ord. passed on first reading. Hearing and second reading scheduled for 8/17/77, at 2:30 p.m. Hearing called 8/17/77, at 2:00 p.m. to consider amending South Shore Redevelopment Plan to 1) make provision therein that the Agency will provide 750 low and moderate income housing units in the Target area, exclusive of the existing facilities. PLANNING COMMISSION 74 Date Request of Atty. Ben Cohen, representing 8/17/77 Wolfie's Resturant, 2038 Collins Ave., for adoption of an ord. permitting flashing signs. Matter referred to Planning Brd. for considera- tion and recommendation. (On 8/18/77, City Clerk furnished Planning Director with transcription of Council discussion, for information of Planning Brd: members.) Memo #6595, Planning Board recommendations. Res. #77-15490 adopted, calling public hearing on Dec. 21, 1977 at 3:00 p.m., to consider re- commendation of Planning Brd. to amend Zoning Ord. so as to permit Apartment -Hotels with 100 or more sleeping units to have the same 11/16/77