Planning Commission_May to June 1978PLANNING COMMISSION (continued) for May 17, 1978, at 2:00 p.m. (See Zoning) 87 Date 5/3/78 Amending Zoning Ord. 1891, revising fee schedule 5/17/78 for hearings before Brd. of Adjustment and Plan- ning Brd. and Commission re: changes in zoning and conditional uses (1st reading 5/3/78). Hear- ing continued to June 7, 1978 at 2:00 P.M. (See Zoning) Memo ##6891, Planning Brd. recommendation re- 5/17/78 garding establishment of Marine Zoning Dis- tricts I and I1. Res. #78-15624 adopted, calling hearing for June 21, 1978, at 3:00 p.m°, to consider recommendations of Planning Brd. PLANNING COMMISSION 88 (continued) Date Hearing called to consider recommendations of Planning Brd. that Zoning Ord. be amended so as to 1) create new zoning districts to be designated MD -I Marine District and MD -II Marine District; providing for uses permitted therein, etc.; 2) rezone a parcel of land lying along the eastern bank of Indian Creek Waterway between 55th and 41st St. from Zoning ClassificationRS-4 to MD-11; rezone a portion of land along eastern bank of Idnian Creek Waterway and Lake Pancoast between 41st St. and 24th St. from Zoning Classification RS -4 to MD -I. (To be rescheduled at June 7, 1978 meet- ing.) (See Boats, Zoning) 5/17/78 PLANNING COMMISSION 89 Date Hearing held and concluded, Ord. #78-2123 6/7/78 adopted, amending Zoning Ord. 1891 so as co revise fee schedule for hearings before Brd. of Adjustment and Planning Brd. and City Com- mission re: changes in zoning and conditional uses (1st reading 5/3/78; hearing continued from 5/17/78). (See Zoning) Res. #78-15643 adopted, amending Res. #78-15624, 6/7/78 so as to change hearing date from June 21, 1978 at 3:00 p.m., to June 28, 1978, at 3:00 p.m., re: Planning Brd, recommendation regarding establishment of Marine Zoning Districts I and I1, to June 28, 1978. (See Boats)