Planning Commission_September 1978 to December 1978PLANNING COMMISSION 93
Memo #7073, hearing called for 11/1/78, at 9/6/78
2:30 P.M., to consider recommendation of
Planning Brd. to approve a Conditional Use
of an additional gasoline pump island to
existing filling station, ?ocation of a new
pump island at 875 - 71st St. (See Zoning)
Memo #7101, request for amendments to Zoning 9/20/78
Ord. #1891, Secs. 7.36(4) and (5) relating to
accessory use facilities in apartment build-
ings, apartment hotels and hotel facilities;
and to permit an additional accessory use in
apartment buildings and apartment hotels,
food store facilities operated on a
(continued) Date
"Hostess Pantry" format request received from
Shafmaster & Katz, Attys. representing Alexander
Muss & Sons, Inc., owners of Seacoast properties
on Collins Ave. Administration's recommendation
approved. (See Zoning) 9/20/78
Memo #7206, Planning Brd. recommendation: condi- 11/15/78
tional use application to remodel and expand an
existing filling station at 1840 Alton Rd. Hear-
ing called for 12/6/78 at 2:30 p.m. (See Zoning)
Hearing held and concluded to consider Plan- 12/6/78
ning Brd. recommendations to approve requested
Conditional Use, subject to certain conditions,
re: application to remodel and expand an exist-
ing filling station at 1840 Alton Rd., (Lots 5
& 6, Blk 12, Island View Sub.). Item deferred
to 12/20/78, pending complete report from the
Administration and City Atty. on all aspects of
application. (Transcription of discussion to
be furnished to Administration by City Clerk).
Memo #7240. Memo #7206 dated 11/15/78. (See
Zoning) 12/6/78
Memo #7245, Mr. J. D. Wilkerson, representing 12/6/78
applicant, appeared re: traffic survey and
recommendation for additional pump island at
gas station located at 875 -71st St. City
Engineer reported that applicant has agreed