Planning Commission_December 1978 to January 1979PLANNING COMMISSION 96 (continued) Date to comply with recommendations contained in traffic study made at Commission's request. Motion to defer failed of passage. Commission approved the request for conditional use of an additional pump island, subject to follow- ing conditions: 1) relocation of island to pro- vide a minimum of 30 ' of storage on both sides of island; 2) identification of a traffic circu- lation pattern thru use of signage and/or mark- ings on pay surfaces; 3) relocation of vacuum pump to northwest property line 54' from right-of-way on Bay Dr.; 4) installation of side yards landscaping to act as an effective buffer as set forth in Memo #7073. City Mgr. directed to meet with Chairman of Planning Brd. in an 12/6/78 PLANNING COMMISSION 98 (continued) Date effort to develop a format in granting of condi- tional uses which would serve to sufficiently inform Commission of all steps taken by appli- cants in their efforts to conform with neces- sary requirements. (See Zoning) 12/6/78 Planning Brd's recommendation to grant condi- tional use for Filling Station, 1840 Alton Rd., (Lots 5 & 6, Blk 12, Island View Sub.) approved, (deferred from 12/6/78). City Mgr. and City Atty. requested to develop recommendations for changes in procedures now followed by Planning Brd. in considering requests for conditional uses. Conditional use granted subject to fol- lowing: 1) a permanent structure shall be 12/20/78 PLANNING COMMISSION 99 (continued) Date installed covering 2 pump islands in earth -tone colors in accordance with the site plan; 2)place- ment of a "No Left Turn" or "Right Turn Only" sign within the property line at the southeast corner of the lot; 3) placement of exit and en- trance arrows within property lines; 4) preser- vation of existing Banyan Tree and appropriate landscaping to be installed; 5) hose bibs shall be located within 25' of all landscaped areas; 6) air pump shall be located on one or more pump islands. (See Zoning) 12/20/78 Memo #{7270, Planning Brd. recommendation: re: 1/3/79 Kinetic (Flashing) Lighting District amendment