Planning Commission_April to May 1979PLANNING COMMISSION 103 Date Memo #7438, Planning Brd. recommendation: condi- 4/4/79 tional use application for Marine dockage at 6820 Indian Creek Dr. Public hearing scheduled for May 2, 1979, at 2:30 p.m. Commissioner Friedman requested Administration to submit a report dealing with evacuation of boats in Indian Creek in case of an emergency such as a hurricane. V. M. Weisburd advised that House Barge Committee is actively formulating pro- visions for inclusion in zoning ord. to meet with expected Comprehensive Master Plan, and requested Administration's input regarding conditional uses. (See Zoning, Docks & Wharves) PLANNING COMMISSION 104 Date Mr. Ted Kanov, owner of The Beach Motel, 8601 5/2/79 Harding Ave., to discuss consideration of an amendment to the sign regulations so as to permit advertising of rates on exterior hotel and motel signs, (deferred from 4/25/79). Matter referred to Planning Commission for hearing and recommendations. Commissioner Malek requested minutes of meetings during which this subject had previously been dis- cussed. (See Signs) Hearing continued to May 16, 1979, at 2:30 p.m., 5/2/79 RE: approval of Conditional Use application recommended by Planning Brd. for Marine dockage at 6820 Indian Creek Dr. (See Docks and Wharves, PLANNING COMMISSION 105 (continued) Date Zoning) 5/2/79 Hearing continued to May 23, 1979, at 2:30 p.m., 5/16/79 regarding approval of conditional use applica- tion for marine dockage at 6820 Indian Creek Dr. as recommended by Planning Brd. Discussion held concerning stipulations which were part of Plan- ning Brd's recommendation to approve conditional use. Planning Director requested to meet with City Atty. to review and seek clarification of wording of stipulations 6, and 8, Commission and applicant having agreed at meeting that #7 was superfluous. Commissioner Weisburd also request- ed a report and recommendations from Marine Authority as to whether this conditional use