Resolutions Of Appreciation And Thanks_December 1953 to May 1969RESOLUTIONS OF APPRECIATION & THANKS Resolution #12607 adopted accepting with appreciation donation of additional art works by Mr. and Mrs. Bass as outlined in their letter of December 17, 1968 to City Manager. 1-2-69 54 132 Res. #12680 adopted, expressing appreciation to Melvyne Sommers, Bernard Baron, Morris Krieger, Dewey Knight, Murry & Harry Rosenberg, & Peg Savage, for services to welfare recipients. 4/2/69 54 318 14 BOOK PAGE RESOLUTIONS OF APPRECIATION & THANKS 15 Book Page Resolutions adopted re. efforts of State,etc. officials in withdrawal of bill to repeal resort tax: Res.#12720 to Senator Richard Stone; Res.#12721 to Senator Mallory Horne; Res.#12722 to Reps.Dubbin & Wolfson; 426 Res.#12723 to Gordon Butler, Fla. League of Mun.; Res.#12724 to President of Senate & each member. 5/21/69 54 427 RESOLUTIONS - MISCELLANEOUS Res. #8577 congratulating Florida Sun in its new quarters 11-18-54 35 163 Res. #8601 extending greetings to Miami Beach Journal 12-2-53 35 213 17 Book Page Res. #12011 expressing gratification and pleasure with election of Claude Kirk as Governor. 12-21-66 51 284 Res. #12078 extending welcome to "Tony Rome" film company, which is currently being filmed in Miami Beach. 4-5-67 51 465