Resolutions-Miscellaneous_June 1967 to October 1972RESOLUTIONS - MISCELLANEOUS 18 Book Page Res. #12126 re. Israel -Arab War - requesting U.S. to protect sovereignty of State of Israel. 6-5-67/ 52 35 Res.#12703,introduced by Seiderman, requesting Legislature to designate committee to hold hearings on need to amend Sunshine Law & to invite Judge King & Councilmen to participate. 4/16/69 54 358 Seiderman requests City Atty. prepare resolution expressing sympathy with Cuban expatriates & expressing displeasure at Channel 2 showing film on Castro. 5/7/69 54 397 RESOLUTIONS - MISCELLANEOUS 19 Book Page Proposed resolution requested by Seiderman re. Channel 2 showing of Castro film deferred to 5/21/69. 5/12/69 54 414 Res. re, Channel 2 showing of Castro film deferred to 6/4/69. 5/21/69 54 443 Resolution re. Castro film withdrawn. 6/4/69 54 468 Proposed resolution protesting war in Vietnam was considered not within province of Council. 3/1/72 RES. 13779 adopted, calling upon State of Fla. through its legislature and Governor to pass Enabling legislation which would allow county and municipal gov'ts. to deal with landlord/ RESOLUTIONS - MISCELLANEOUS 20 Meeting Date tenant relations as they arise and empowering them to pass laws on a local basis which would be impartial to landlords and tenants in the Dade County area. (Requests for legislation made by Tenants Assoc. of Fla. Inc.) 10/18/72 Res. No. 13784 adopted pledging support of City with objectives of above board and amended to provide that State, County, municipal buildings and those for which there are valid and outstanding bldg. permits are not prohibited from being given Certificates of Occupancy. 10/18/72 Authorizing execution of agreement with Dade County School Bd. to reimburse City of M.B. $1,000 for expenditures to conduct Operation