Resolutions-Miscellaneous_June 1973 to October 1974RESOLUTIONS - MISCELLANEOUS Re -Entry. Res. 73-14042. 21 Meeting Date 6/29/73 Requesting the Miami Beach Planning Commission to hold a public hearing pursuant to zoning Ord. 1891 relative to charter excursion boats or vessels. Referred to Marine Advisory & Inspection Board. Res. 73-14045 adopted, that the state legisla- ture be asked to enact statewide legislation re- quiring all public officials and employees to make ifnancial disclosure relating to the exist- ence of conflicts of interest. Exhibited corres- pondence from State Atty. Richard Gerstein to County Atty. Thomas C. Britton. Memo from Britton to Mayor Hall. RESOLUTIONS - MISCELLANEOUS 6/29/73 6/2q/7Z 22 Meeting Date Res. 73-14046, commending Miami Beach winners and runners-up in Florida State Jr. Singles Closed Tennis Championship held in St. Petersburg, Fla., June 16-19, 1973, and also commending those persons in City's recreation Dept. associated with event. 6/29/73 Res.73-14054 authorizing execution of application for 1973-74 L.E.A.A.grant relating to drug abuse. 7/18/73 Res. 73-14055 authorizing execution of amended agreement with state of Fla. for project for illumination of high crime areas. 7/18/73 Res. 73-14056 authorizing application to Bur. of Alcoholic Rehabilitation State Div. of Mental Health for 1973-74 grant for City alcoholic RESOLUTIONS -MISCELLANEOUS rehabilitation program. 23 Meeting Date 7/19/73 Effective 8/6/73 Carner Bank of M.B. will be known as Bank of Miami Beach. Res. 73-14077 8/8/73 Res. 73-14164 adopted, approving M.B.Home- owners Assoc. resolution calling for national unity and commending President and Congress for their support of State of Israel. 10/17/73 Mr. Abe Marcus appeared and at his request, 10/16/74 the Council adopted Res. #74-14512, memorial- izing the U. S. Senate to ratify the Geneva Genocide Convention.