Resolutions-Miscellaneous_September 1975 to January 1977RESOLUTIONS -MISCELLANEOUS
Request by Mr. A. J. Marcus, Pres. of Fla. 9/17/75
Senior Citizens, Inc., Club No. 1, for Council's
adoption of a resolution opposing U. S. Senate
Bill No. 1, entitled "The Criminal Justice Re-
form Act of 1975". Res. #75-14822 adopted
"expressing concern that a Federal law may be
enacted which will restrict the movements,
liberties, right to peaceful and lawful congre-
gation in protest of legislation which will
further enhance, against Council's wishes, govern-
ment secrecy, bureaucracy and power of Admin. in
all levels of Government and urging that Legis-
lature return this Bill to Committee to concern
itself to the points made."
Res. #75-14868 adopted, condemning the action
of the United Nations relating to the denomi-
nating of Zionism as being a form of racism.
Requested by Councilman Sahl.
(NOT ON AGENDA) endorsing "Read On America" 3/31/76
project. Res. #76-15001 adopted.
Mr. A. J. Marcus to discuss a resolution on: 11/3/76
The Lack of Democracy in Chile and the End of
Military and Economic Aid to Chile. Per revised
recommendations of City Mgr. to be scheduled for
Discussion by Mr. A. J. Marcus re: his reso- 11/24/76
lution on the lack of democracy in Chile and
the end of military & economic aid to Chile,
(set by Council 11/3/76). Mr. Marcus appeared
and read proposed resolution. City Atty. re-
quested to rewrite and submit to Council in
proper form for consideration.
Mr. A. J. Marcus resolution re: lack of demo- 12/9/76
cracy in Chile and the end of military and
economic aid to Chile. Deferred to Jan. 5, 1977,
per request of City Attorney.
Mr. A.J. Marcus resolution re: lack of demo- 1/5/77
cracy in Chile and the end of military and