Resort Tax_April 1963 to November 1966RESORT TAX 1,
Book Page
Res. #10953 requesting State Legislature to enact
law to permit cities option to levy & collect
resort tax not over 2% on transient hotel & motel
rooms 4/3/63 45 393
No action taken re. combining Resort Tax
amendment with proposal to lift one mill for
publicity. Resort Tax amendment kept
separate 8/31/66 50 517
Council excludes $1. of food & beverage sales
from Resort Tax levy. 8/31 /66 50 517
Res. #11939 amends Question #3 in Res. #11921
of Charter amendments re. resort tax amendment,
tying exemptions into State Sales Tax provisions
9/7/66 51 29
Res. #11984 adopted, calling hearing on 11/30/66
10 A.M. re implementing Resort Tax Amendment
11/23/66 51
Book Page
Notice of public hearing re. adoption of Resort
Tax ord.& public hearing 11/30/66 51 197
Public hearing concluded on resort tax ord.
1st & 2nd reading of resort tax ord.
2% effective 2/1/67 11/30/66 51