Resort Tax_June 1970 to November 1976RESORT TAX
Mayor to take Decree of dismissal
by Judge Herin to NY re signing $12
million issue on 6-4-70.
Re: requested revisions redistribution
of resort tax monies, Council heard MBTDA
and asked City Mgr. to meet with TDA and
form instruments to be considered on 3/15
Meeting date
RES. No. 13809 adopted, authorizing execution
of stipulation accepting the sum of $30,823
in full settlement of City's claim for past
due resort taxes and waste collection fees.
Sovereign Hotel.
Authorize employment of Reynolds Securities,
(cont'd) Date
Inc., as fiscal agent and Mr. John Trimble
as legal counsel to proceed with preparation
of resolution to issue $10 MILLION RESORT TAX
BOND ISSUE ($5 Million to be sold in 1975 and
$5 Million to be sold in 1976).
Councilman Spaet's motion for a public hearing
failed of passage. Res. #75-14659 adopted. 3/12/75
Discussion on splitting Resort Tax on a 50% 9/3/75
basis with the TDA, on a permanent basis. Not
reached. Deferred to 9/17/75.
Request of TDA for change in Resort Tax dis- 4/28/76
tribution formula, to a permanent 50-50 basis.
City Atty. directed to prepare appropriate
(continued) Date
ord. to amend Code to provide for change in
Resort Tax distribution formula to a permanent
50-50 basis, for Council's consideration. Coun-
cil requested a written opinion from both City's
Bond Counsel and Financial Consultant, as to
whether this change would have any adverse ef-
fect on existing Excise Tax Bond issues, City
annual financing, and future bond issues. Coun-
cilman Meyerson reiterated past suggestion that
consideration be given to centralizing all tour-
ist -related events under one coordinator. 4/28/76
Mr. Moe Hyman to discuss Resort Tax & TDA. 11/24/76
To be scheduled for Dec. 8, 1976.