Resort Tax_April 1978 to May 1978RESORT TAX 21 (continued) Date Tax collections. Ord. sassed on 1st reading,. Hearing and second reading scheduled for May 3, 1978 at 2 p.m. Commissioner Dr. Wikler re- quested City Atty. provide written opinion from Bond Counsel concerning this proposal. (See MB TDA) 4/19/78 Ord. passed on 1st reading amending Resort Tax 4/19/78 Sections of Chapter 41 of City Code to improve collection procedures, reduce losses, define persons of responsibility and liability and strengthen violation penalties, Memo #6826. Hearing and second reading scheduled for May 3, 1978 at 2 P.M. RESORT TAX 22 Date Hearinc held and concluded, Ord. #78-2121 5/3/78 ado tec, amending Resort Tax sections of Chapter 41 of City Code to improve collection pro- cedures, reduce losses, define persons of responsibility and liability and strengthen violation penalties (1st reading 4/19/78), Memo #6826. Hearing held and concluded, Ord. #78-2122 adopted, amending section 41-68 of City Code as to allocation of Resort Tax collections (1st reading 4/19/78). City Atty. to place written opinion from Bond Counsel in file. 5/3/78