Richard, Melvin J. (Councilman)_September 1957 to January 1958P, 1\4.8 ,N. J,r1 RICHARD, MELVIN J. ('COUNCILMAN) 25 Book Page Councilman Richard's motion to the effect that once a zoning change has been denied, the request cannot again be made for a minimum of 1 year fails 9-18-57 40 38 Proposes ordinance to control industrial smoke 4-16-58 40 384 Mr. Richard's motion that Congressional and Grand Jury investigation of proposed Dodge Island Port be requested, fails for lack of a second. 5-28-58 40 447 RICHARD, MELVIN J. (COUNCILMAN) 25A Book Page Councilman Richard's motion for an ordinance providing that once application fcr zoning change has been denied it cannot be renewed for a period of one year, fails to carry 1-15-58 40 218