Richard, Melvin J. (Councilman)_August 1958 to February 1961RICHARD, MELVIN J. (COUNCILMAN) 29 Book Page Resolution to be prepared requesting County Commission not to act on any matters directly affecting Miami Beach without first advising the Council of the nature of such matters and when they are to be discussed so as to give City an opportunity to be heard. (Request of Councilman Richard)20- 8 41 Re-elected to 4 yr term. 6-3-59 42 10 Councilman Richard states that he has suggested to Mr. Lipp that the City attempt to start a program throughout the City of acquiring lots for parking in hotel and apt house areas as well as in commercial areas. 6-10-59 42 112 RICHARD, MELVIN J. (COUNCILMAN) 30 Book Page Councilman Richard states that he has written City Mgr. Lipp requesting that Personnel Board set up qualifications and make it possible for certain jobs to be filled by physically handicapped. 12-7-60 43 364 Cites need for establishment of branch library in South Shore area; states vacant stores are available at reasonable rentals or City could erect little bldg. on City owned property. 12-7-60 43 364 RICHARD, MELVIN J. (COUNCILMAN) 31 Book Page Asks City Mgr. to advise him as to whether or not City receives a share of "contributions" made, when either Auditorium or Convention Hall is used by a religious organization. His opinion City should get its share of proceeds even if admissions are labeled contributions. 2-15-61 43 486 Proposes City operate electric golf carts at golf courses. Mr. Richard's motion that ordinance be adopted requiring City Council to take competitive bids for Normandy Shores P Q Shop Concession fails, No second to �otjon to eliminate electric carts €rom co cession. 10-4-61 44 231