Richard, Melvin J. (Councilman)_March to December 1966RICHARD, MELVIN J. (COUNCILMAN) 38 Book Page Introduces resolution offering cooperation of City of Miami Beach in elimination of Nazi Party activities in Greater Miami area. Res. #10937 3-6-63 Res. #10937 (above) re -read and action re -affirmed. 3-20-63 Elected to 4 year term on Council. Elected Mayor. 6-5-63 Mayor Richard to attend Tallahassee meeting of the Fla. Outdoor Recreational Planning Committee on 10/13/64 with Metro o Oarl1eCH epa eaenta ion a gf lana LnD ccounty. 10r 4hi 45 356 45 368 45 470 2A-4 RICHARD, MELVIN J. (MAYOR) 39 Book Page Mayor Richard reads letter he received from Jacksonville atty. W. Shannon Linning re. suit he had filed for declaratory decree to abate numerous barriers and obstructions maintained on Duval County Atlantic Ocean Beach Front. 1-6-65 48 309 Council expresses sympathy to Councilman Richard on loss of his mother. 1-19-66 50 Councilman Richard renews motion that no w tninatlionaror zoning nialn et canbe made change. Motion rails -4-bb 50 RICHARD, MELVIN J.(Councilman) Councilman Richard requests City Mgr. and City Atty. review City ordinances and prepare required code amendments to eliminate perfunctory ministerial require- ments of Council or establish control standards. 9 21-66 40 298 40 Book Page 51 38 Councilman Richard indicates support of Councilman Powell re. statements of Mayor concerning graft and corruption in City. 12-21-66 51 285