Roosevelt Theater_June 1959 to September 1979ROOSEVELT THEATRE
Book Page
Res. #10129 authorizing renewal of
agreement with Roosevelt Theatre
for lease of portion of City property
on Arthur Godfrey Road for term
expiring on April 30, 1961
6-10-59 4+2 115
Police Ch. Cotzin rendered oral rep. re. legal re- 9/5/79
quirements that must be fulfilled bef. det'g.
whether a film is obscene & advised of steps being
taken by Police Dept. in attempt to restrain Theater's
operation. He also advised that owner has applica-
tion pending for live entertainment & burlesque
license for premises. Com. Weisburd requested Adm.
& Legal Dept. to prepare rep. of all legal ayes.
open to City to prohibit operation of such types