"S" Miscellaneous_March 1957 to June 1961is -f v,Scellr,tc=v5 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 170 Book Page St, Joseph Church granted permission to operate parochial school at 331-335 86th St. 3-2o-57 39 X63 Stanley Segal granted permission to sell gasoline and oil at 830 - 5th St. to taxicab drivers. 7-3-57 39 412 Res. #10528 designating March 27, 1961 as"Senator George Smathers' Day" 3-22-61 44 20 Mr. Jules Steinhardt,Luau Motel, 7326 Collins, complains re. notice to remove a sign quoting price of cooperative apt. Advised to work out problem with Mr. Pushkin and City Atty. 6-21-61 44 107 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 171 Book Page Letter from Jay E. Kashuk submitting his application for heading a Special Events Dept. Clerk to advise that until such time as a Special Events Dept. may be created, no action would be taken. 6-21-61 44 105