"S" Miscellaneous_June 1961 to February 1963"S" MISCELLANEOUS 17 2 Book Page Prepared statement read by Director of South Fla. Hotel & Motel Assn. re. improvin„ tourist economy. Group proposes transfer of Convention Bureau funds from Publicity to General Budget; Special Events funds from Publicity to Recreation Dept.; charging fees for recreation events. City Atty to render opinion on "Publicity" definition. Informal meeting to be held on June 30, 1961. 6-28-61 44 111 Jules Steinhardt, member of North Shore Business Assn states there is need for a boardwalk from 71st to 86th Streets and that an aquacade would be a good thing for the City. No action taken. 6-28-61 44 114 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 173 Book Page Need of South Shore Clinic discussed (part of proposed 1961-62 Budget discussion) 8-16-61. 44 178 Request of Sephardic Jewish Center for tax exemption approved subject to filing of affidavit (645 Collins Ave., Lot 14, Blk 11, Ocean Beach Addn #1) City Atty explains law. 1-3-62 44 332 South Florida Fishing Club approves City's stand against proposed South Dade Oil Refinery 5-2-62 44 502 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 174 Letter from Dr. Melvin Simonson filed Page urging acquisition of oceanfront property in north end of the City for public beach purposes. 1-2-63 45 254 Statement read by Dr. Simonson re. acquisition of oceanfront property between 75th and 76th Streets. Approximate cost discussed. No action taken. 2-6-63 Dr. Melvin Simonson reads prepared 45 317 statement re. proposed freeholders' election to acquire property from Collins Ave. to Ocean, running from 76th St. to 87th St. and urged instead that his initial p oposal to acqui-e only a strip of (pont.)