"S" Miscellaneous_August 1963 to January 1966"S" MISCELLANEOUS
public beach be presented. Dr.
Simonson's statement filed.
Book Page
8-21-63 46 97
Transfer of informal agreement
for rental of city -owned parking lot
at 1567 Washington Ave. with Louis Berger
to Wolf Sadikoff, 1333 Meridian Ave.
effective 6/1/63, approved on same
terms as Mr. Berger's --$450. per month
rental during Nov. thru April, and $350.
per month during May thru October.
5-15-63 45 446
Book Page
Dr. Melvin Simonson discusses problems
created with removal of on -street parking
when new apartment bldgs.are required to
provide off-street parking.
7-1-64 47 105
Dr. Simonson asks what action City planned
to take in defense of future suits seeking
rezoning of single-family property in
Altos del Mar No. 1 Sub. (property north
of 75th St. on Collins Ave.
7-1-64 47 105
Letter from Marie Schenck thankin City
or citation given o ier (former i c
of M. B. Art Center) 7-15-644 47/ 136
City of South Miami's Res. #2014
opposing creation of an Expressway
Authority by Metro filed.
Book Page
12-16-64 47 389
$500. appropriated from Special Events
Budget to promote Statewide Sportscar
:ymkana to be held in Convention Hall
parking lot 11/28/65. 11-10-65 49 426
Letters to be sent to Dade County
Senators and Representatives asking
support of resolution re. Congressional
memorial in honor of Mrs. Joan Merriam
Smith, late global aviatrix. 1-19-66 50 59