Sailports_March to June 4, 1975SAILPORTS (cont' d) additional work required for change in site. (deferred from 3/12/75) (to be submitted) Withdrawn by City Mgr. 5 Date 3/19/75 Authorizing execution of amended contract with 5/7/75 architectural firm for construction of sailport. (to be submitted) Not reached. Deferred to May 21, 1975. Authorizing execution of amended contract with 5/21/75 architectural firm for construction of Sailport. (deferred from 5/7/75). Res. #75-14722 adopted, amending contract, with provision that architect's hourly rates are the same as contained in original contract, total fee for new site shall not exceed SAILPORTS (cont' d) 8.25% of the cost of the project estimated at $225,000 ($18,562.50). NOTE: This is understood to be over and above the $8,419.43 paid to Mr. Schwartz for services rendered to date on the Normandy Isle site. Appearance of architect Herbert Schwartz to discuss adjustment of fees in connection with Sailport Professional Services. Res. #75-14738 adopted, approving amendment to original con- tract, per City Mgr.'s recommendations contained in Council Memo #5134, total fee not to exceed $28,419.43• also rescindin. Res. -14 22 adopted 5/21 6 Date 5/21/75 6/4/75