St. Francis Hospital_(Formerly Allison Hosp._November 1931 to November 1935ST . I a nv ,r i i AL (Formerly Allison Hospital) BOOK, PArE Hospitalization proposition approved 9, 296 Continuation of arrangement 11-4-31 11, 219 $2,000.00 appropriated for charity patient cases for year 1932-33 11/12/33 12, 157 $100.00 per month additional appropriated for City employee accident cases 11/12/33 12,15 FRANC p 7 St.Francis Hospital request funds for com- pletion of new hospital wing 10/25/35 14 11T. $5,000. appropriation made to St.Francis Hospital 11/29/35 14 218 ST. FRANCIS HOSPITAL 3 months hospitalization to St. Francis Hospital ordered paid in advance 11/12/36 15 219 Appropriation of $5,000. made for charity cases for year ended July 31, 1937 12/1/37 16 407 City Manager recommends negotiations be made with St.Francis and Alton Rd. Hospitals on a patient day basis instead of lump sum 12-1-37 16 407 2. Book Page