St. Francis Hospital_April 1954 to October 1961ST. FRANCIS HOSPITAL 8.
Book Page
$15,000 budget allocation for
hospitals' outpatient clinics to
be distributed equally between
St. Francis and Mt. Sinai Hospitals
4-7-54 35 411
City Mgr. recommends that $20,000
in 1954-55 budget for out-patient
care at St. Francis and Mt. Sinai
Hospitals be made avail bJ.e - $10,000.
to each. Approved. 10-8-54 36 221
$15,000 budget allocation made available
to Mt. Sinai and St. Francis Hospitals
for out-patient care 10-19-55 37 414
Bock Page
$20,000 budget allocation for emergency
clinic, made available (1956-57 budget)
11-7-56 38 505
Council approves change in method of
hospitals billing the City. New basis
of payment outlined and approved.
8-21-57 39 524
$25,000 allocated in 1957-58 budget
for outpatient care and emergency room
purposes 11-6-57 40 102
Payment of $27,500 budget allocation
for emergency room service authorized
9-17-58 41 103
Book Page
Payment of 1959-60 budget allocation
of $32,500 for operation of emergency
clinic for year 1959-60 authorized.
9-2-59 42 278
Payment to St. Francis Hospital
emergency room expenses for year
1960-61 $37,500.00 approved.
10-5-60 43 255
Payment of 1961-62 budget allocation
to St. Francis Hospital for emergency
room services approved,$37,500
10-4-61 44 237