St. Francis Hospital_June to November 1963ST. FRANCIS HOSPITAL
Book Page
Hearing conducted re. change in
bulkhead line at St. Francis Hospital.
(Court reporter's transcript and exhibits
filed with records of this meeting)
6-2863 46 18
Hearing continued from June 28, 1963 on
request of St. Francis Hospital to
extend bulkhead (Minutes of this portion
of meeting taken by Court Reporter -
copy of his transcript filed with records
of this meeting). Motion passed that
bulkhead line be located and fixed in
Indian Creek as shown on map submitted
as Exh. "L", with certain provisions.
8-7-63 46 62
Book Page
Letter from Shepard Broad, atty for
St. Francis Hospital re. proposed bulk-
head at St. Francis, and resolution out-
lining metes and bounds of bulkhead line
presented. City Mgr. advises that the
Resolution fixing bulkhead line is based
on Aug. 7th action of Council. Res. #11041
adopted fixing St.Francis bulkhead line.
8-21-63 46 79
Atty. Harry B. Smith says St. Francis
Hospital reduced request to extend bulk-
head to 280 feet southerly instead of
580 feet; 2.5 acres and mot 2.77 as set
y gesol�ztion. Action deferr until Nov. 6,
63. City Mgr. to furnish1 d91 nto. 46 187
Book Page
Matter of fixing bulkhead line for
St. Francis Hospital again discussed.
No action on objectors request for
further deferment. Hospital representative
agrees to additional setback from Fla. P & L
cable. Mr. Shepard comments. Letter to
be sent by Mr. Shepard to II Board that City
was not requesting any change in bulkheal**
line as fixed by Council in Res. #11041.
City Mgr's office to instruct Building
and/or Engineering Depts. to keep this
agreement on part of hospital in mind at
such time as bulkhead permit may be granted.
11-6-63 46 244
***Certificate from II Board attached to
original resolution