Salaries_January to October 1971SALARIES Police clothing allowance: 1st, 2nd readings, amending Ord.789, increasing from $25 to $30 per mo., effective 10-1-70. ....ORD.1868 increasing above. Seymour Marks, Public Works: full pay approved from 9-17-70 thru 10-5-70. Unclassified: 1st, 2nd readings amendg 1605, re Police, Fire increases. ....ORD.1883. Martin Fleischman: injury pay approved, from 7-11-71 to 13 wks. 275 Meeting date 2-17-71 3-3-71 3-3-71 5-18-71 6-2-71 6-23-71 SALARIES Frank Bell: injury pay approved, from 7-14-71 for 13 wks. 276 Meeting date Sara Johnson, Max Stein: Stephen Cypen appeared, requested raising Acct.] classi- ficatn. City Mgr to investigate and re- commend at time of Budget review. 6-23-71 Unclassified: Proposed amendmt to ORD.1605 deferred to 11-3. City Mgr to consider range adjustmt of Asst. City MgrCana/aoanlarryer of Acting City Mgr (Greene) 1-20-71 10-20-71